Through the next months since the start of the year, the C&C team released countless game play videos, concept art, unit profiles, and enough interviews with game designers and actors to release a DVD set.

The anticipation for something beautiful had me and every other die-hard Command and Conquer (C&C) fans enthralled for months. When I hear the lauch date was March 16, 2010, I laminated my pants, metaphorically, and from that day forward I checked the website’s count-down ticker every day, much like we all kept our eyes on the Watchmen film count down like eighth graders with glazed eyes locked upon the clock on that last day of school in May. I didn’t hear it until about November or December.

It was back on July 9th of 2009 that the game in question, Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, was officially announced by game makers at Electronic Arts in Redwood City, California.