The 0x80070005 error is one such problem. If the date and time are incorrect, it can cause problems, especially with internet communication. So, always select the Restart option to reboot a Windows computer properly. When you click the Shutdown option, Windows won’t shut down entirely, thanks to a feature called Fast Boot. It is important to note that you should not select the Shutdown option and then manually press the power button to reboot.

Right-click on the Start menu and select the “Shut down or sign out > Restart” option to restart the computer. Often, this simple process will fix the 0x80070005 error. When you restart the computer, Windows will unblock all the files and restarts all the required services. When you get an error, especially if the error is with the Windows Update, the first and foremost thing you should do is restart the computer.

The good thing is, it is pretty easy to troubleshoot and fix the 0x80070005 Access Denied error in Windows 10.